Beating Ni**ers
Attention: People of color
The "Southern Strategy" is alive and well.
... this from a .PDF flyer for an RNC-sponsored GOP house party (link goes to Daily Kos member guither's diary).
Feel free to bring the children - it's never too early to get them involved?
The "Southern Strategy" is alive and well.
A Message From Your Host
We will have a Jesse Jackson piƱata , a dunk tank where you'll get the chance to sink my wife who will be dressed as Hilary Clinton, and a special guest appearance by my uncle - Rep. Timothy V. Johnson who will be giving away "Proud to be G.O.P." American Flag windbreakers. Bring a side dish if you like. We will have burgers, hot dogs, chili, and pizza, but nothing vegetarian! This party is family friendly, so feel free to bring children. It's never too early to get them involved!
... this from a .PDF flyer for an RNC-sponsored GOP house party (link goes to Daily Kos member guither's diary).
Feel free to bring the children - it's never too early to get them involved?
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