Mark Green's Voting Record & His Base Of Support: Pathetic, Sad BushBot
The guy is a (not so) hilarious parrot of George W. Bush - the guy who's ALREADY one of the worst executives [and who, arguably, has presided over the worst combination of foreign + domestic policy, ever] in this country's history, and the guy hasn't even been investigated(!) - yet Jim Doyle isn't taking the easy opportunity to point out the obvious and waste Mark Green in one gut-blast.
Anyhow... here's a sample of Green's voting record:
Wait. Fuck that. I tried to summarize it in a few bullet points, but it quickly became a dozen... and then 30... there's so much shit on this guy that it's almost comical.
Just go read it.
Anyhow... here's a sample of Green's voting record:
Wait. Fuck that. I tried to summarize it in a few bullet points, but it quickly became a dozen... and then 30... there's so much shit on this guy that it's almost comical.
Just go read it.
Thank you so much for your support on the C&L comment thread tonight. Good to find a friend in this :) I wish the hatred wasn't so loud and so angry.
pissed off patricia, at Saturday, April 28, 2007 3:15:00 PM
Oh, no problem. =)
I don't blame people for being pissed off, but sometimes they really need to think a bit more... analyze the situation.
EconAtheist, at Saturday, April 28, 2007 5:42:00 PM
That Ron Paul comment over on C&L was a real pisser.
Ayn Rand and Strauss were two kikes. Their modern kike filled thinktanks are in control of all white house policy and are persuing these wars for kikes and kike profit.
Ron Paul however is against the war, and therefore anti-staussian and anti-randite and therefore an "anti-semite". It doesn't take anything else. Meanwhile if your fake liberal KIKE-Lovin' self ever gets called an "anti-semite"; I can see how quickly your Kike Lovin' unprincipled kind will be shouting "alleluia praise kikes, praise the chosen, praise war." Just as you praise the KIKES slashing the wages and blood-suck-profiting of the citizens of America because the majority of us happen to be "evil whites".
You are in BED with Wolfowitz.
Meanwhile someone like Ron Paul is not. That's why you can't stand him. You'd rather keep the kikes in charge as long as they play nice, as long as YOU get your SHEKLE.
You are a complete fake.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 03, 2007 7:36:00 PM
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