New York state Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter
is asking you to sign a petition that demands that Congress determine where the hell 9 billion dollars ran off to*. I signed it - you should, too. It's
your frickin' donation to the common wealth of this country; aren't you curious as to why the equivalent of
ninety million $100 bills seems to be.. *poof*... missing in action?
Congresswoman Slaughter's site also hosts
another petition that you should be keenly aware of: Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine. For almost 2 decades this one has been flying under the national radar. President Reagan vetoed legislation that, in essence, killed the FCC's long-standing doctrine. As Rep. Slaughter's webpage notes:
For years, television and radio stations were required to give equal time to opposing sides of political issues. It was a requirement made by the FCC that came to be known as the Fairness Doctrine. In 1987 President Reagan vetoed legislation that would have protected it ensuring its unfortunate death. Since then, media consolidation has forced local news off the air, partisan politics has crowded balance out of newscasts and now we learn that journalists have been paid, without disclosure, by the Bush Administration to support and advocate White House policies!
Enough is enough. In January 2005, Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY) introduced legislation calling on broadcasters to provide local news, balance and diversity in their broadcasts. H.R. 501, or the Fairness and Accountability in Broadcasting Act (the FAB Act).
This one, while - probably - not as sexy as the other petition calling for investigation into potential war profiteering, is definitely worth your attention and your signature. Please, please
sign the the FAB Act petition!
That is all.
A Wisconsinite and a snooty-looking debutante were seated side by side on a plane.
The Wisconsinite, being friendly and all, said, "So, where ya from?"
The debutante said, "From a place where they know better than to use a preposition at the end of a sentence."
The Wisconsinite sat quietly for a moment and then replied, "So, where ya from, bitch?"